its a realy tof progam for the nds! only its bad there are no emotions in the pictochat!

User Rating: 5.7 | PictoChat DS
its a good nds progam only the problem is what make me tried is there arent emotions added thats bad. but as i must choose between normal msn and pictochat i choosed for msn! because msn is a lot better you can cominucate whith every body on the internet etc! whith emotics! added but its fun to have it on your nds but ive hearing some things whith homebrew developer i have loaded a real msn! but its cool to load homebrew!! only there are a lot of illigal things to what can make your nds stuck but let we talk over the progam and not over homebrew! the sound is good to only as i logged out the room and there are more people i dont see them every time!
but they are there! but its a good progam and it is a good idea it is free for the nds as it isnt free i hate that progam!!!!!