would be awesome with wifi capability.... but without that, its just plain bad.

User Rating: 1.3 | PictoChat DS
any DS owner is fimilar with pictochat, so im not going to take much time to explain it. its a chatting system. yeah, its a kind of like AIM or a similar program- the one catch. the wireless range is 200 yards or less, i believe. well, its basically plain chatting. you can use a keyboard with the touchscreen, and at the same time you can draw. sure, sounds cool. its sounds like getting free instant messaging. but oh, its not. its just cheap, to be honest. if there is someone you know and you want to talk to, chances are you would be able to walk over to them and talk face to face without dying. if nintendo releases a new pictochat add on with wifi, you better believe i would buy it. it would be the best DS thing out there, no joke. i would give it a 10, no matter what. but for now, the only use pictochat serves is ______.