PICTOCHAT is a fun chatroom! If you have 15 friends who have a DS you can pary for about 6 HOURS!

User Rating: 7.8 | PictoChat DS
PICTOCHAT will be a exceting chatroom with 3 or more people it was for me.
PICTOCHAT is a chatroom which 16 people can chat in. There are 4 chatrooms A,B,C and D. Pictochat is free & with a range of 60 ft or 20 yards. You can chat about anything. Plus your PERSONAL MESSAGE can be read. So don't be such a big secret in it. GAMEPLAY gets a 10
PICTOCHAT don't have graphics. GRAPHICS 1
PICTOCHAT has very few sounds. SOUND 1
The value is great with 3 or more people. PICTOCHAT will be a exciting chatroom.
GoB Nov.04 Newsletter N/A