The reason of giving it a 10.0 is because It's free How can you dislike a free game . Every free game gets an 10.0

User Rating: 10 | PictoChat DS
Pictochat In a nutshell. Your In a train , You spot somebody with a DS . you pick your ds out of your jacket . press the start button. You touch pictochat. The Dude you spotted was in Room C so you touch that point on the screen. This is what happens : Tim Joins room C : Tim : Hey Jack : Jo wzup Tim : Witch games do you own ? Jack : Mario 64 , Metroid hunters demo , Need for speed underground Which one do you got ? Tim: I got Need for speed underground , yoshi touch & go , wario ware, polarium etc. Jack : I'll kick your in a drag race. Tim : show me what U got. Jack : After whe dragged do you want to sent me the polarium demo. Now Joining john room c : John : hey Tim : wzup Jack: whe just where about to do a drag race , do U got Need for speed. John : No Tim :where are U sitting John : I Think I know where to find U. Tim : Jack & john get over here.