Not quite as good as some of the other games in the series, but still fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten (Limited Edition) DS
Not quite as good as some of the other games in the series, but still fun.

If you like action and fighting games, Phoenix Wright is not for you. If you have a sense of humour, however, it is.

The Phoenix Wright games seem to get better as they go, but all of them are pretty entertaining. They can be a bit text-heavy (pretty much all text really), and you'll need a bit of patience to get through them, but it's worth it. Barring a few slow parts and a couple of spelling errors, this game was really enjoyable and of a decent length. Bonus points because you can change the language to French.

You would think that it would be hard to make a game about lawyers hilarious, but it looks like Japan has come through with the improbable once again.

In other news, there is also a live action movie of this game currently being developed, so if you liked the game, you might want to check it out.