Unbelievable for the time.

User Rating: 10 | Phantom 2040 SNES
This is the first game that gave me a real sense of progression. My dad and myself would play this together, taking turns fighting some of the most unforgivable bosses I've fought to date. It was so much fun, doing research to find when you get which weapons, writing down all the level codes precisely. I was 7 or so at the time, so whenever my dad came home from work, assuming he wasn't busy, we'd hammer away at the surprisingly long adventure.

Alright, enough of my early childhood flashback. The game is solid as solid can be. Every new weapon or gadget you acquire gives you the sense that you have gained something significant, none of this +2 to charisma BS. Phantom, Kit Walker, or whoever you want to address the main character as, I though was just plain cool. I hadn't been able to read the comics of the older phantom, like my dad had, but I still liked this new age phantom, his rope mechanisms, and his various guns. The graphics in the game are amazing. Some of the bosses are just enormous, and the color variation coupled with the smooth gameplay keeps it looking snazzy, not that you'll be worrying about the graphics after playing it for more than 5 minutes.

I advise anyone to pick this game up. It is pure fun. Get a buddy who has some paper and pen handy (for those level codes!), and experience a game that stands as the type of fun every game should be.