This is definetly the best movie licence game ever,but still lacks in some spots.

User Rating: 8.6 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie XBOX
On xbox,there is a,strange graphical problem in this game,whene you play as Jack,you feel as though the world is emptie,the graphics are nice,smooth,also this game has nice dust effects,but in some areas the world feels emptie.The gameplay is not as basic as other shooters,you need to use bones,stickes,spears and other items to survive when your emptie on ammo,the hud is also different,there is no cross hair,no ammo sign,no nothing,this game makes you feel your their by having you to check your ammo,still its a really cool add on to the exsperiance.The sound is very cool,if you have sourrond sound listen to the roar of kong and it will make you feel invinsible,(though your not),the guns are the best sounds in the game,next to some great fire and environment sounds.Overal this game is a very good game but it feels a little emtie,the campain,well,you can do it in like 7 or 8 hours in maybe one sitting,and the levels arent that long,weapon selection is limited,but should I panelize this game for this?Besides it is a survival like game.And there could be more action,this also missed out on some key monments in the movie.Still if you like movie/games Id rent this for a quick spin,or buy it if you think you can play it over and over again.This game does have its monments though,like running away from a t-rex then suddenly being smashed by kong the n snapping its jaw,it surtainly has its good times.slaming jaws ans snaping necks on t-rexes=good times.Also take note that this game has nice artistic visions.