King Kong is a brilliant game thta relives the movie!

User Rating: 10 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie XBOX
King Kong obviously follows the story of the film about a giant prehistoric ape. The game first off, has absolutely marvelous graphics, top-notch really. you play the game through 2 people, jack and kong himself. as jack you are in first person view. you generally fight dinosaurs and giant centipedes. playing as jack and facing a mighty rex is incredible. to use the weapons you have t hold the left trigger to fire, though soemtimes this can be a bit annoying, it brings a true realistic feel to the game. but to play a kong himself is the real high point of the game. as the ape you travel around the island climbing over obstracles and battling it out with the dinosaurs. to perform a devastating jaw-breaker finishing attack on a rex is brilliant as you can feel and see the sheer size and power of the great ape. King Kong is an absolutely brilliant game that everyone will enjoy, with stunning graphics and brilliant gameplay this is a must for xbox owners.