The best FPS ever created on any system. I can't count the number of hours I have played this alone, and with friends.

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark N64
This game blows my mind every time I sit down and play. Despite new consoles coming out with better graphics and bigger sounds, this game has completely unparalleled gameplay. The missions call upon you to be a variety of extremes, from intense as the electric chair to stealthy as a cat. Interactions with characters play out nicely, and often listening in on others will have surprisingly funny results. Most missions have a great replay value, and multiplayer is even better. Multiplayer mode uses levels similar to the missions, and mostly uses guns from Mission mode. There are 13 missions, and you must complete challenges to unlock them. There are 45 weapons ranging from alien to grenade launchers to knives to your fists, and each weapon has two functions. I gave this game a 10 because I've never encountered a better shooter.