The best way to describe perfect dark to those not damiliar with it: the single best display of rares ingenuity

User Rating: 9.9 | Perfect Dark N64
and the single best game for the N64.

i don't care what year it is if graphics aren't the only thing you find important in a game you will apsoloutly love perfect dark. sure the graphics were top notch when it was released but 7 years later and with severly dated graphics everything still looks suprisingly crisp and the game play is amazing and fun. and the replay value is through the charts. after you learn the control scheme and beat the game, something that should take no more then 30 hours on easy difficulty, you can go and replay the game of 2 harder difficultys that really define that word but even so it's not so much tedious as it is fun. and even after you have managed to become master of the dark you will find all sorts of challenges you could try, one being disarming all the guys in the first room of area 51 rescue mission, it's not as simple as you'd think because of the games stead fast efforts to keep things interesting the enemies have a melee attack and will some times pull a pistol or grenade.l it's things like this that keep you playing perfect dark well over a hundred hours. the multiplayer doesn't hurt either as it provides you with it's own set of preset challenges, beating theese yields extra arenas and weapons for matches. all in all seven years after its release perfect dark can compete with games like halo and halo2.