Joanna Dark to the rescue!

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark N64
(taken from, under the name Adrian the Complex Lonely)

Perfect Dark, Snowboard Kids 2, Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye 007, Wave Race 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Pokemon Stadium and Mario 64 (even though I've overplayed the latter three) are worth owning a N64 again. Even if you have to buy it used from somewhere.

Let me start off by saying that this game is so fun. And I mean it's exceedingly fun. Even alone. You play as a character named Joanna Dark. The one-player mode, although I've only played it once since I re-bought the game, is pretty solid. You have a few select objectives to pull off on each and every mission. It gets harder as you go along. The music is solid and memorable, but the graphics aren't great. They're slightly above average at best for the N64.

But the game shines in its Combat Simulator mode. It is a mode where you make your way through over 25 missions, completing random objectives from Uploading a terminal with a Data Uplink, to King Of The Hill (which pits you against one or more "bots" to take on a challenge that has you having to stay in a certain spot for 20 or so seconds, claiming that it's yours. If you do so, while the enemy stays away, you get the point, and move on to the next "Hill") to my favorite, Capture the case. Capture the case is a mission where you must go to your opponent's hideout and get their little case, bring it back to your hideout, and make it back to your own case. However, if the enemy has already made it to your case before you get back, you must chase them down, which is hella fun, in order for your case to return to its original spot. There are more missions such as just killing your opponent 10 times or holding onto a briefcase for as long as you can.

Lastly, I'm going to list all the weapons, which are mostly guns, in the game. I'll also list my top 5 favorites and explain their functions.

DY357 Magnum
DY357-LX Magnum (gold)
RC-P120 (don't have this gun yet, don't remember it either)
Laptop Gun
K7 Avenger
S-Dragon (don't have or remember this one either)
Sniper Rifle
Rocket Launcher

#1 Slayer - launches missles just like a regular rocket launcher. However, it has a twist. Although you must stand totally still while using its Fly-By-Wire feature, you get to actually follow the bullet as you search for someone to kill!! Talk about innovative! Go, RARE!
#2 Laptop Gun - An extraordinary gun that performs fast shooting bullets in its normal use. However, if you throw it on the ground or onto a random wall, the next time someone comes within its sight, they get shot at. It will use all its bullets if it must!
#3 Dragon - Acts as an ordinary gun that shoots speedy bullets on its initial function, comes alive as a grenade launcher on its second.
#4 Cyclone - One bad as hell gun. It's very, VERY fast, and its second function lets you empty out 50 bullets, one right after the other at a blazing speed, ensuring a better chance at killing a weary opponent.
#5 AR34 - A fast gun, but when compared to some of my other favorites, it just doesn't measure up. Has a very close-up scope function.

Reaper: Worst. Gun. Ever.


*Sound is pretty cool. It has a decent range of types of music.
*Lots of missions to keep a single player busy, while not around friends.
*Decent realism when you get killed, falling to the ground. Maybe a bit slow, but decent nonetheless.
*Up to 4 players, which is pure pandemonium!
*Different personalities for bots keep the gameplay interesting.


*Starts off pitifully easy, gets painfully impossible somewhat towards the end. Some missions come down to luck, when you're actually revived after a death near a helpful weapon.
*Graphics aren't anything to scream about.
*AI is extremely cheap on some missions where there are expert bots.
*Slowdown occurs in some levels when 3-4 people are playing and lots of bots are present.

Overall, this is the best First Person Shooter that I've ever played (think Goldeneye 007, and then improve it in almost every way), and one of the best and most complete experiences I've ever had. The only real letdown is the insane AI as you move on.
This game has kept me sane on days where I'm usually bored.

While not perfect, it has very few shortcomings so I'm giving it a perfect 10. I hope you enjoy it at least half as much as I did, for that will surely be saying something!

Learning Curve: 15-30 minutes
Graphics: 7.25/10
Sound: 8.5/10
Controls: 9/10
Gameplay & Fun: Alone: 8/10 With friends: 10/10

Buy. This. Game. Today. (if you have a Wii, get it on the Virtual Console)!