Very good g@me!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark N64
Perfect Dark was a great and fun game you certainly many hours gaming fun. the function has risen to 4 player with four players able to play.

Solo Missions:
Here you have various missions to meet or exceed 1920 levels. it's great fun. So each time becoming increasingly difficult measuring tasks.

Combat Simulator:
Here you can see with 4 players or against the CPU and challenges out there are 30 challenges.
and you train so you rank a top player.

uitraad the weapons are well! with over 50 weapons in this game definitely unique sizes of you progress you get more weapons from pistols to rifles to shotguns bombers

Missions with 2 players
Here you can do that mission with two players that you want Player 2 can both good and bad side. so it is fun to play.
self I play this game for over 3 years. My rank is now at its highest

so I recommend you this game very well! costs not so expensive. $ 20 new on the black market from 5 to 10 euros.

@KSGAR (xbox live gamertag) look to my perfect dark achievements on XBOX LIVE@ Our friend request!!!!!!!!!