The best FPS for the N64 and one of the best FPS ever!

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark N64
Well, I shall begin my first review here in gamespot with Perfect Dark, a First Person shooter created by Rareware(the creators of Donkey Kong Country SNES series and Goldeneye).

This game is definitely the best game ever for the Nintenfo 64, because it combines an amazing single-player experience with a interesting history, a multiplayer so varied and so fun that can compete agaisnt many of the current-day mutiplayer games, mixed with excellent graphics, sound and interface, and other extras that add to the fun, like shooting range practice and the posibility of playing the main missions in cooperative and competitive modes.


Perfect Dark puts you on the shoes of Joanna Dark, a highly trained female agent, that is still unexperienced on field missions. She works for the Carrington Institute(CI). Her first mission could not be of more importance: rescue a scientist called Dr. Caroll, who may have vital information to discover the evil plans of the Datadyne Corporation(DC, the opponent in the R&D field of the Carrington Institute).

After Joanna rescues him (and discovers he's really a floating robot with artificial intelligence) in a very problematico mission, the CI founder, Daniel Carrintong is kidnapped by Datadyne, then joanna rescues him. Dr. Carrol told Daniel that a important meeting is going to take lace in chicago where the enemies will discuss matters of great importance for their evil plans, then Joanna goes to Chicago, infiltrates in a very well guarded building and secretly records a video of the meeting.

The enemies plan to abduct the president's personal airplane: the Air force One. But while this happens, a ship of an alien race know as the maians is shoot down and taken to the area 51, so is the job of Joanna(agaisnt her own will) to go there and rescue the maian survivors.
After that she goes to attemp to infiltrate the base where the Air Force One is going to take off, then rescue the president, and escape for there. The plane was abducted to allow Trent Easton(the NSA president, and one of the bad guys) to convince the president to lend him the Pelagic II (a top-secret Deep Sea Research Ship that can allow to explore the depths of the oceans better than any other ship), this for recover a massive-planet-destroyer weapon lying in the depths of the sea and give it to a race of aliens callled the Skedar, which want desperately to destroy all the maian race(and also destroy the earth).

Will the skedar accomplish their goal? Will Carringtong institute lose agaisnt the greater odds? Play the game to know the rest of the history


Apart from the single-player experience, there's a excellent multiplayer to jump in and spend countless hours playing. There are a lot of big and varied levels to play, a lot of weapons to choose from, ad even a lot of different AI personalities of computer-controlled simulants (like the preysim, which always goes agaisnt the weakest players; the speedsim, which is exaggeratedly speedy when moving; the vengesim, who always take revenge agaisnt those who kill him; and many others)and five difficulty levels for the AI. The game modes go from the classic deatmach, to the King of the hill and Capture the Case (plays as same as Capture the Flag).

In Perfect Dark, many aspects of the multiplayer can be customized, and up to eight computer-controlled players can be set, but most of the multiplayer features aren't available form the beginning: they must be unloked trough Challenges, which are like missions based on multiplayer gameplay and have abig range of difficulty, going from the extremely easy, to the almost impossible.

In short, Perfect Dark is a game that combines many excellent components to make it a truly outstanding game, and a very worthy spiritual succesor of Goldeneye. There's also a remake with enhaced graphics and ...ONLINE SUPPORT!!! =) for the Xbox Live Arcade, so those looking for the best XBLA game should not be hesitant for downloading this is available for just 800 points!