User Rating: 9.7 | Perfect Dark N64
Where you like me and eagerly anticipating Rare’s unofficial sequel of GoldenEye 007? Well, it wasn’t a “GoldenEye 2”, but something far out. The story line of Perfect Dark is that you are a special government agent on a near-future Earth. Your agency has made friendly contact with a group of aliens know as the Maians; although, the evil dataDyne corporation has allied itself with the equally evil Skedar, another alien race that just so happens to practice war as a religion. Placing them at odds with the Maians (who just happen to be your companies friend) and you have conflicts! Sound like fun? Good. The game is beautiful for it‘s time; graphics are lush and Artificial Intelligence actually have “intelligence” in them, something that shooter games have been needing in my opinion. The sounds were good to, from everything to doors opening and the wind in the outside environments to the music tone. There was actually a couple of times I left the game on just to hear the music, to bad they didn’t make a soundtrack based on the game. Those of you that have beaten, or at least gotten to the last few missions in GoldenEye will find Perfect Dart to be of the same experience, quite hard towards the end. As GoldenEye, it’s a first person shooter so you will “feel” like that person and have a good view of the excellent graphics. The game doesn’t feature as many levels as GoldenEye, but there are still a dozen mission-based levels to keep you occupied. One thing about Perfect Dark is the outstanding multiplayer part for it‘s time. Not only can you play against a buddy, but computer simulators! You can chose the character of the computer-sims, their difficulty witch ranges from wimpingly easy to literally perfect experts. There are also other computer-sim difficulties such as “Peace Sim” that disarm players and computer simulator’s guns; also are “Judge Sims” witch targets the leading player or computer-simulator and track them down (ei: judge them). You also have the option of playing through the normal missions in the game with a computer-simulated body; furthermore, you can play the normal missions with a buddy in two-player split screen. Your buddy can be on you side, or the bad guys side! This game was sure fun, especially with friends; maybe even “revolutionary”. I now longer have this game, but just like GoldenEye, I feel as I should give my thoughts on it. Lets just wait for Rare’s new creation to come, Perfect Dark Zero. Not much info yet, but expected as a late 2005 release!