sweeter then halo as great as goldeneye and timesplitters2

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark N64
since 2001 i had this and srtill think its better then halo (2001 late release) graphics: cutting edge its even beter then ps2 graphics bc the fuzzyness in ps2 games game play same as goldeneye perfect dark is great here just needed more guns from ge sound awsome i like the music and effects in here halo doesnt even come close in this department (no music in halos multi makes this an alternative value greaT more then goldeneye 007 lots of guns to start with and it doesnt end here 8 simulants halo doesnt got none for a n64 game that is sweet tilt if you want a fps but dont have this i suggest go to a used store buy a n64 (if you dont got 1) and find this instead of buying halo lol