Easily the Best Game Ever. So much fast paced action, innovative features, and graphics ahead of its time, easily best

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark N64
Perfect Dark for the N64 is easily the best game ever. So much nonstop fast paced action that always kept you on the edge of your seat, the best graphics of any game that generation that could of even passed as a PS2 launch title(probably better, lol), innovative multiplayer features(camera) and one of the first games to include connectivity. Games that this totally dismantles: Halo Half Life Any last generation game(graphics wise) Metroid Prime First off, Gameplay, great story, tons of non stop action that never gets tiring, and some great atmosphere, Halo who? The reason Perfect Dark owns Halo is, Perfect Dark had non stop action, better story, and more innovative features, Halo had a few guys to shoot, then you have to walk around 10 minutes to find another 2 guys, and really, all it had other than Perfect Dark was Co-Op, and thats about it. The story was generally the same as Half Life, aliens, taking over the world, shooting guys, evil corporations, etc etc. But, remember the ending of Half Life, gay gay gay! Remember the ending of Perfect Dark(no spoilers here), down right awesome. Also, shooting peeps and aliens is cooler than just shooting Aliens, crappy aliens for that matter. No personality? Perfect Dark owns all last generation games(graphics), why? Cause, most stuff looked like plastic or paper(not purposely, unline Paper Mario, it had a reason)or just plain puke(Vagrant Story anyone). It looked to be a next generation game, no dount about that. And Metroid Prime, Joanna owns Samus. Why? Joanna shoots her gun, Samus scans everything, and rarely shoots. Joanna doesnt have to wear giant suits to protect herself, Samus does. Joanna talks, and Samus is quiet and acts like a horny schoolgirl(she is totally hitting on Master Cheif, no doubt). Soundtrack was epic, great gun sound, good voice acting(most of the time) and some great cussin'(die you motha trucka). This game has tons of replay value, multiplayer was excellent and with the camera, you can create yourself and look just like you(thats right, THUG wasnt the first). And also, you can get more extras if you connect the GBC version of PD(it sucked, but is still worth for the N64 version). Overall, this game is just way too fun and too good for words. Non stop action, and edge of your seat fun along with next gen graphics and innovative features. Nothing compared, and if you dont have this, get it. Buy a new N64, buy all the periphrals, its worth it. Perfect 10, no noubt