It's not only one of the most fun and atmospheric FPS' ever created, but it's also quite simply one of the best.

User Rating: 9.5 | Perfect Dark N64
Looking back into the past. First Person Shooters were pretty new at the time. Nowadays, they're everywhere. Halo 3, Resistance 2, Left 4 Dead, Rainbow Six, Half-Life, Quake, Doom, jeez. Well let's look back at one of the best pre-2000 FPS' ever, Perfect Dark. Obviously, nowadays the graphics look like something you'd see on the DS or the PSP, but they're pretty good for their time. The story revolves around Joanna Dark and the missions she endures. The game is set in 2020, so it's a futuristic game, but it doesn't have lasers going everywhere like you'd expect. The weaponry at you disposal consists of various handguns, revolvers, SMGs, assault rifles, a shotgun, a sniper rifle, and laz0rs. If I were to describe all the weapons in great detail, this review would be pages long and I could probably turn it in as a homework assignment. The gameplay is what really makes this game great. There's more game modes in Perfect Dark than there is in games today! I'm not kidding! The campaign is interesting because it shoves you into an environment with 3 objectives and the story progresses as you go. There's not only co-op, but COUNTER-op. I have no idea what that is because I haven't tried it yet. The multiplayer is freaking sweet. It's one of those games where you can play multiplayer even if you have no friends. Just pick some weapons and bots and start a killing spree. This game along with Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, and Conker's Bad Fur Day, is the reason that Rare was such a successful company back in the 90's. This game is awesome and you can find it for 5 bucks or less on Amazon, so go try it! Now if only Rare would created Conker 2......