Perfect Dark goes down in history as one of the best FPS's for the Nintendo 64, if not all time!

User Rating: 9.5 | Perfect Dark N64
Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64 is a FPS that is very close to perfect, with very few flaws. As a non-relative successor to Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark uses a very heavily modified version of 007's engine. It is also one of the first fully 3-d FPS to successfully nail the genre, without much errors.

Story: The main character, Joanna Dark, is an agent at Carrington Institute, a corporation dedicated to friendly and peaceful contact with aliens. Joanna is sent on a mission to dataDyne, an evil corporation, to investigate a conspiracy that they have planned with the Skedar, a evil alien race. The Skedar are in a war against the Manians, a rather peaceful alien race. The Skedar are looking for a Megaweapon at the bottom of the sea, and it's up to Dark to stop them. You will soon find yourself saving the president, invading top secret military bases to find a Manian with the name Elvis, and much more.

Gameplay: As said before, this game's engine is a heavily modified version of Goldeneye's engine. The game includes a very fun Single Player mode, a Combat Simulator, which is one of the game's main highlights. This is because it gives a fully customizable multiplayer feature to you, and if you have no friends to play with, no fear! You can battle against Sims, or A.I. You can set the difficulty, appearence, teams, or type of these Sims. Customizable features includes choosing a soundtrack for the level, your character's appearence, more of which you can unlock throughout single-player. You can also set it up for a match with 3 other friends, who can also customize their characters. Another fun feature is you and three other friends can play against other sims. The maximum amount for a solo match against sims is 8 sims. For friends varies if you are laying with 2, 3, or 4 friends. There is also the ability to save your custom settings as a sort of game type, like in Halo. The game also includes built-in challenges, which provide fun tasks like killing the guy with the briefcase in a certain amount of time, or king of the hill with the A.I. Note that if you plan on playing single player, you need a expansion pak for you Nintendo 64, which you can buy on eBay or possibly Amazon. Really, the only flaw worth mentioning is that your health goes by a meter, and you can't really heal it without a stem pack type item. Shields also work for a decent amount of time though. Also, there isn't a checkpoint system. It's either Pass or Fail.

Controls: This game has fanastic controls and they really fit the game well. As I remember, you can also map the controls to your liking, and also use some pre-mapped controls. There isn't much to say because it's a FPS but the default work just fine so you shouldn't have to change them. The only problem is that the scope aiming sensetivity can seem a little loose. For such a technologically advanced game, the controls run great.

Audio: Perfect Dark's soundtrack is, well, nearly perfect. Each level has two sides of the track: a Side that is kind of calm, and then the side that gets all action like, both sound amazing all the time. You can also set the game's whole soundtrack to your simulator or multiplayer matches within the advanced settings. Perfect Dark also utilizes Dolyby Surround Sound 5.1, which not much other games did at the time.

Presentation: The technology in this game, for the time it was, is great. The graphics are great, and the enviorment isn't exactly detailed, but it's still an eye-opening expierience. Perfect Dark also includes Hi-Res Graphics, something that most of the other N64 games do not utilize.

Story: 10/10
Gameplay: 9.8/10
Controls: 9.8/10
Audio: 10/10

Overall: 9.9(Couldn't put 9.9 because there was only 9.5 and 10)

Presentation: 9.8