The worst game of the saga penumbra...

User Rating: 5 | Penumbra: Requiem PC
Well i dont know from where to start, i must say i was really anxious for this game, i thought that it was going to be better than the last one, like black plague was better than overture but i was wrong...

The game start with some puzzles of moving rocks to some switches in the floor that makes some bridge open, but then it was just all the same or worst, you must do the same thing over and over again, things like jump through platforms, pile up some boxes to pass to another place where you have to jump more and pile up more boxes. It just gets tedious and repetitive even frustrating.

One of the thing that make special to penumbra games were the lights and your flashlight, the way you can crouch to hide from enemies and your vision change to see in the dark, but here is pointless because there are no enemys at all, now the flashlight dont need batteries so why they are even in the game?

And whats the point of having the flashlight and the green glowstick at the same time? In others penumbras the flashlight was better than the glowstick but need batteries so you use it when you really need it and you use the glowstick that lights less but dont need anything to work but here is pointless because none of them need anything they dont need power or batteries at all, same as the flares whats the point of having them? and from the start... completely pointless in the just dont make any sense.
Same with the painkillers you get like 12 in the game...for what? there are not enemys not even one, why do you need to restore your health, by the way your characters health restore alone is just take 1 minute so you dont need to use nothing.

The only good of the game is the sound its just great.

Did i mention that took me 1 hour to complete the game?

Well penumbra requiem for me was very disappointing i was waiting something else i hope they make another penumbra like black plague or overture but not like this one...