Awesome combat

User Rating: 9.5 | Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One X360
I love the turn/real time combat in this game. Turn based combat in general can be a little boring but the addition of the real time elements makes this combat highly involving and fun. There are times where the combat can become fairly hard because you haven't leveled up your character enough but you can always flee from combat and go pick some easier fights to level before you go back to the harder fights. The humor is well written and funny and the graphics are everything you would want in a comic turned video game. Some reviews are saying that you need to be a fan of the comic to get this game but I don't think so. Al you really need is a good sense of humor and you will enjoy it. If I had to criticize something it would be that there should have been a few more environments to explore. Also, I would like to see a little more reward for exploring the world. This game is well worth $20 and I'm looking forward to future installments of this game.