Adventure Game?

User Rating: 7.5 | Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One X360
This is by no means an adventure game. This is an action rpg. The fight system and quests scream action rpg. The puzzles are about as involved as those one would find in Diablo, check all containers and objects, get quests, and repeat. This game is by no means bad, but if you are looking for the puzzles, exploration, and fighting one might typically see in an adventure game Penny Arcade Adventures won't have them. I love the writing and the art, much as I did in the first Diablo, but there is little depth to the character upgrades, and a very linear story. I had been expecting the next Monkey Island, but instead I got an amusing little action romp with memorable characters.

The price is well worth admission, especially if you are a fan of the comic. The character creation system was surprisingly robust. The fights are relatively easy especially if you pick up on the opponents attack cues. The writing is especially humorous making the endless crate and object checking an enjoyable if not tedious chore.