Too short.

User Rating: 8 | Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode One X360
I went into Penny Arcade expecting something great for the price i payed. I got something a little bit different though. The game is very easy, and if you die in battle you can just quit and reload your save, so you don't have to waste any items. The battle system is great, you can't just do your attacks right away, you have to wait for it to charge. The sound is great, and you can listen to music that you find during your adventure from the detective place. The only big downside to the game is that it is too short. I beat it within 5 hours, but played more for the achievements. After the 5 hour, you should replay it, and try to find all the collectibles. These are concept art, and you can view them from the detective place, and once you unlock them all you get a comic to look at.

Final Score

Story- 7
Graphics- 7
Sound- 9
Playability- 8
Length- 6
Humor- 8