better then i thought!

User Rating: 9.5 | Patapon PSP
ok, so i jsut picked this game up at a local game stop...i didnt reserve it but they had plenty. i guess honestly my curiosity got the best of me and i had to see what this game was all about after reading what people were saying before it even came out! so i got it with low hopes...but boy was i wrong. i now see what all the fuss was about, this game is actually pretty good!. i was definitly blown away with how much i actually enjoy it. i figured this was going to be a childish game, but it isnt and it is deffinitly a challange. i am still looking foward to next week when god of war comes out, that i did reserve and am going to get right away cause well lets face it, it is going to be the best game for the winter/spring so far! well back to patapon...anyone who is doubtfull about it like i was, jsut spend the 20 bucks and get it...for that price you cant go wrong...and this is a game you can come back to for sure!