Patapon is nothing more than a build, seek, and destroy game...not!

User Rating: 9 | Patapon PSP
Patapon is one of the most peculiar games I have every played. When I first heard mention of it and saw its simplistic interface, I was instantly warded off by its lack of 'graphics'. However, when I did finally obtain the game, I was no more interested because of its apparent difficulty and my musical inabilities. However, after just a few missions and an understanding of the game, I found myself maintaining Fever mode, butchering bosses, and getting into a gaming 'groove' and 'rhythm' that is all-satisfying. The story works and the bosses are creative. The makers clearly balanced the game out pretty well, going so far as to let the players have opportunities to train themselves to make a better army. While the first missions will be like hell for the newbie, I am certain you will enjoy Patapon as much, if not more, than any other game. Please make sure to use headphones when you start, if not throughout the entire game. They help out a lot. Another word of advice: press the beat-button as the white line comes out, not a bit after it. Anticipate it, tap you feet, and have fun with his stupendous game!