Commands to units is extremely limited, but game is highly addictive. Good characters, enemies and story.

User Rating: 8.5 | Patapon PSP
I never thought that I would enjoy this game - after all, who would expect to find a simplfied strategy game where you direct your units according to button presses a la Parrapa the Rapper. Armed with only four main commands (move forward, attack, defend and retreat) and a few additional options, you direct your 9-18 unit army throughout various levels inflicting damage to enemy units or bosses. The levels are split up into three categories: storyline, hunting segments and bosses. It is guaranteed that you will have to select hunting expeditions often in order to strengthen your units enough for the subsequent story level. Units are developed by using the various items that you gain by defeating the enemy. They are then subsequently strengthened by the armor and weapons that enemies drop as well.

The story, presentation and enemies are all excellent, but the real draw is building up your army of patapon. There are six different types of Patapon that you can create and take into each level. The highly addictive portion of the game involves taking part in the various hunts or taking on one of the five major boss types just to get more powerful items to use in the creation of your Patapon.

Although the commands you can give your patapon are limited, it is a novel approach to a strategy game. The game is highly enjoyable and took me about 15+ hours to complete. I can't wait for the release of Patapon 2.