Not what I expected

User Rating: 9 | Patapon PSP
I got this game at Christmas and I looked at the cover and I thought it would just be okay, but it didn't and it is actually a one of a kind game. The game is awesome to play, at first I thought it was a strategy game but then I found it was a music game and that is awesome, for me that is totally unique for me. The audio is awesome and fun and is as unique for the game as the gameplay. The graphics are great and is awesome for a PSP game. The one thing that I love about this game is that there is a lot of stuff you can do and it never gets old. The one thing I did not like about this game is that it was to hard for my liking and I wish there was more classes only 6, I also did not like how you could not replay some levels. This game is awesome and you should go buy it if you have a PSP and/or if you are a music game lover and you will especially enjoy this game, hoping for a sequel and it will rock.

Graphics: 9.0
Audio: 10
Story: 8.3
Gameplay: 9.6
Presentation: 9.4
Singleplayer: 9.2
Multiplayer: N/A
