MAGNUM OPUS... I played this Hours and Hours losing my Time sense...Highly Addictive for Drummers and Music Fans!

User Rating: 9.5 | Patapon PSP
This game might mislead you seeing its Graphics and Black and White eyeballs fighting on the Cover. This one is "The Best" for PSP under Rhythmic and Music Beating Platforms or Adventure or whatever it may be..and even more it has Action too...Beat the drum and see how they Offend, Defend, Evade, Run away to your Commands..
I highly recommend this game to Drummers, Musicians, Music fans, and Bass Lovers.. The beats are Superb and the Music is Pleasant for normal conditions, Rocking for Battle Conditions!
This game has a mixture of all platforms... may it be an equipping type in RPG or Finding new areas like adventure,action,strategy,and mostly Music.....
Play with normal slimeballs looking eyes and evolve them to Deadly Rarepons...
This game RULES and you will be not at all disappointed or bored..

For new Gamers for Patapon, Play this game before its Sequel as you can transfer the equipped weapons and items to its sequel.. may it be demo or a Full version.. and also to get the storyline too..