Turns a simple control scheme into a whole lot of addictive fun.

User Rating: 9 | Patapon PSP
Patapon is an incredibly simply designed game that has some of the most innovative ideas yet. To turn these ideas into a very addictive challenging piece of gameplay is a giant move to make. There are four diferent control commands, square- pata, circle-pon, x-don, triangle-chaka. As you can see there are only four buttons that need to be used throughout the majority of the game, but don't get put off because they execute this idea so well. On their own these commands mean nothing but combined they can help your Patapons unleash hell on your foes and if your line up if strong enough you can become unstoppable even to enemies many many times your size. It's a bit like Pikmin but with spears, axes and arrows.
Now with such a simple design you would think this game to be a simple challenge well, your wrong because this game is very hard. I had to restart my first save because i just couldn't do it. You will need to read the instruction manual to know how to do things because Patapon dosen't "spoon feed" you, you have to find it all out for yourself which means if your used to games where you have simple instruction you might find this game a bit too hard.
Now how do you involve a story to such a simple game? Well it's a pretty small story really there is no clear pathway you just go where the next mission is and hunt a bit in between to bulk up your forces because the story has many twists and turns. It starts out with a sleak cutscene of a tapestry displaying an almost religous belief of the Patapons, how they are guided by the Almighty(you) to earthend where the may gaze upon IT. Pretty straightforward and dosen't play a massive involvement in you most of the excitement comes from battling overwhelming monsters with suicidal odds until you find out your patapons are kicking ass. You will start out with 1 clas the Yaripons a basic spear class, then you get the next two in the next two missions it's plain sailing at the start. However this isn't the case for the whole game i would recomend experimenting in the game and avoid trying to rush it because before you know it you will be vastly out gunned.
Although the game may be hard patapon is a legendary game one of the very best of PSP games. If you own a PSP game you need this game it's jsut so addicitive and exciting it's hard to explain as it is quite boring to watch someone else play it, you must expierience it first hand.