Does Patapon keep a steady beat? Or is it just another "tone deaf" game? Find out in my review....

User Rating: 8.5 | Patapon PSP
Patapons are a tribe of……uhh….I'm not really sure what they are. I guess I could describe them as an army of eyeballs, I don't know. The Patapon tribe once flourished across the land, but was defeated miserably by the evil Zigoton tribe. Now it is up to you, their Patapon God, to lead them to victory against the Zigotons and journey to Earthend to gaze upon "IT". Yeah the story is kind of….how can I put it…lame, but it has it's own unique flavor.

Rhythm is everything in Patapon. So if you don't got the beat, you will face DE-FEAT! Wow, that was….really lame, sorry about that. Throughout the game you will use your PSP as a war drum. By hitting the correct button sequences, while staying on beat, you can command your Patapon army to execute actions such as moving forward, attacking, defending, and dodging. Patapon is like a real time, music rpg game, did that make sense? No? Oh well. The concept is very simple, but the game is ridiculously fun, and isn't that what matters most in the end? You will guide your Patapons through massive clashes against the Zigoton army, fight monsters of epic proportions, and go hunting for some "fast food" hahahaha!!! *bad pun* Do you get it, the animals you hunt move very fast so I said "fast food", hahahaha, I crack myself up!!! You can also equip your Patapon army with weapons you find on the battlefield, which gives the game a sense of RPGness. There are also a handful of mini-games available, you know, if you're into that kind of stuff. The battles are what really make Patapon a great game. I sometimes found an awkward balance of level difficulty in the game. You might find one mission so easy that you could do it with your finger up your nose, and find the next mission so hard that you need to wear a straight jacket while you're playing. In the end though, just watching your archers shoot a thousand arrows across the screen, or seeing your cavalry put their lives on the line to hold back the Zigoton army is a sight to behold. Words just can't describe the…..the…..EPICNESS!!

Patapon has its own unique art-style. Many people would compare Patapon's graphics to Loco Roco's, while I don't disagree; I think that Patapon's art style is like Loco Roco's times ten. The game is very colorful; the level designs are very clean, and very neat. Sure some may say that there should have been more detail in the levels, but I feel that Patapon's simple look is what gives the game an edge. The Patapons are designed well, they're lovable and cute, but they're also a force to be reckoned with.

The music in Patapon is downright ridiculous, in a good way. When you beat your war drums the Patapons copy the rhythm you just did and repeat it back to you while putting their own unique sound to it. Just think of yourself as the "music GOD" your commands ARE the Patapons' music. I can't really describe it well in this review; you are just going to have to see it for yourself, or should I say listen to it for yourself.

Overall: Patapon is one of the most unique games to ever come out in years. It's a blast to play, it provides strange yet wonderful music, and it offers addictive gameplay. What more could you ask for? If you own a PSP, I highly recommend that you get Patapon, especially if you're into music-based games.