Pon Pon Pata Pon!

User Rating: 10 | Patapon PSP
Once in a great while a game comes along that is so good and innovative it draws you in for months on end. This is that game.Let's see:

Concept: Your a god, plain and simple. As god you command this tribe of cute little eye-ball warriors in there struggle against their mortal enemies the Zigatons. Sounds like an rts but you command them with the beat of different drum songs like a rhythm game. Sounds complicated but is actually quite easy and streamlined.

Game play: A mix of real time strategy, rhythm and rpg. The mix could not be more balanced and perfect. Remembering all of the different beats to move, attack, and defend can be tricky but rewarding to master. Hunting levels help mix things up and are necessary to collect resources and money to create new units, weapons, armors and items. The creation of these things is done through fun and charming rhythm mini games. Difficulty is challenging and fair and combat against the Zigatons and amazing bosses is fast paced, hectic and fun.

Graphics: Amazing art style. Everything in the game from the world's inhabitants to the environments have so much life and really shine on the PSP. Animations are fluid and move at a good frame rate.The art style oozes charm and the bright colors are easy on the eyes.

Overall: This is definitely one the best PSP games I have ever played. There is just nothing else quite like it on any console. Add in the $20 price tag and this game is a definite must have, must play. Do yourself a favor and go buy it already.