This game is amazing!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Patapon 3 PSP
Okay, let's just start you off with this: forget everything you know about the patapon series. This game is way different. As opposed to having three whole squadrons of soldiers, plus your hero patapon, you only have 3 patapon warriors, and your hero.

But your hero is incredibly more powerful, and he looks way cooler too. Another great addition to the game are the set skills, which you acquire through leveling up your soldiers/hero.

The Blacksmith is another great addition to the game, that allows you to level up your weapons, so that you dont have to repeat mission over and over until you get satisfactory weapons.

The fact that you can sell the weapons you dont want for ka-ching is also really nice, because you get alot of weapons that you dont need.

I havent been able to try the multi player yet, because the playstation network has been down, but i look forward to being able to do so.

All in all, this is a great game. Buy it if you're looking for a challenge, a good time, and a great game. And for only 20$? How can you beat that?