Parappa Recreated... Kinda...

User Rating: 8 | PaRappa the Rapper 2 PS2
The Parappa series saw major success with the first game and we all most likely knew a sequal would come some day. After the commercial failure of Um Jammer Lammy, the Parappa series looked to make a major comeback starting with a sequal, so by late 2001 Parappa 2 was released to... Generally negative reviews and commercial faliure? What went wrong here? Well thankfully nothing much. The graphics still have their 2D charm from the first game but this time the textures are boosted in terms of quality and it really looks like it matches the style of the early PS2 days, the story is complete nonsense, noodles take over the world, that's all you need to know, the gameplay remains mostly unchanged but the annoying bug from the first game is finally removed which makes the game much more tolerable and the songs sound great for the first few times but they start to get old the more you play them. Parappa 2 is a worthy follow up but it still has its problems and its easy to see why nobody bought it and why the reception was negative.