Great Paper Mario game in the series for people who like RPG's and Mario.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mario Story N64
OK so Paper Mario Wii so far i like it since i bought it off the Wii shop channel. The combat is easy for those unfamiliar with RPGs or combat. I guess nintendo added a badge system to this one which are badges that give you special abilities which is a plus in the RPG category along with the leveling up, and items. Now for leveling up you have to get a 100 star points and the more powerful you get, weaker enemies will give less star points which is basically working for more experience if you put it that way. As for the items i think your maximum items carried should be bigger but you can still buy from shopped and your abled to store around 35 items was it? I forget. Maybe it could have been each seperate shop could have carrying space for you because it seems like your items stored magically appear in another store. Aside from that item ranting i give it an 8.5 out of 10 for being fun and addicting at the same time.