A top notch successor to Super Mario RPG

User Rating: 8 | Paper Mario N64

While it was a shame Super Mario RPG technically did not get a sequel, the Paper Mario series in a sense filled the gaps very nicely I have to admit. Well, the first two at least. Maybe the third if you don't mind the changes made to it. I'm on the fence about that one to be honest.

But anyhow, this is about the first Paper Mario game, so let's get to it. While I can't say it was as good as Super Mario RPG, it's not that far behind. If anything, I'd say it did improve quite a bit on the Super Mario RPG battle system, which I applaud them for. They further added layers of polish when it came to how you battled enemies, which again, is great. Nothing makes me happier in these type of games than seeing an RPG battle system more skill based than RNG based.

RNG RPG battles need to seriously die a slow, painful death. I don't know for sure if they're still around or not, but I stand by my words. What's the point of playing a game if it all comes down to numbers? You might as well play Dungeons and Dragons if that's what floats your boat.

Anyway, my only real complaint with the battle system is how enemies are too aggressive in attacking you. Now, I understand in a way why this happens, but seriously, I hate how enemies can ambush you and you don't see it coming since some of them are not even on screen when they spot you. How is that fair? You end up getting hit before you can even react to defend yourself.

Another thing about the battle system that I would say not bad, but disappointing is what you're given in means of attacking. Now, don't get me wrong... Mario using a hammer and his jumps are his staple attacks and that's fine. Still, why couldn't they make it so you could attack with other weapons too? And no, the items don't count because they're only good for one use. I'm talking about having the ability to use power ups like fire balls, your fists, or heck, like Super Mario RPG, be able to kick turtle shells at your enemies constantly.

Seriously, I love that about the Super Mario RPG weapon system. Mario didn't just get to use hammers and his jumps. He got to use a little of everything he normally does in his platform games. To me, the Paper Mario weapon system is a serious downgrade from the previous game. While some could argue there was little to no difference in those methods of attacking, the fact remains it still gave you the option to use them.

And that's not taking into consideration Mario was able to find a secret weapon if you found all the required items and gave them to the gardener in Rose Town to climb a vine and obtain it. Yea, they were game breaking, but that's besides the point. The player was given the choice to get it if they so wanted to, making their game alot more interesting to play.

Even for those who want to say those so called varied attack methods were replaced by the badge system, it doesn't change the fact that it was alot more simplified and not as fun, at least to me. While it was cool getting to use attacks where you could be electrified at all times, put enemies to sleep or shrink them, even jump on multiple ones at a time, it just didn't have the same feeling of intrigue as Super Mario RPG did when it came to battling enemies.

And let's not forget the biggest drawback to the badge system. It requires badge points to even use. Yes, I understand they needed something to balance it out since I have played it with cheats and max badge points, speed running through it within a few hours. Still, could they not have just made it so they use more FP like Super Mario RPG did? I mean, I thought that was a great equalizer already. Just make the really devastating attacks use more FP to compensate.

Also, I really hate the fact the game gives you six partners to aid you in quest, but you can only use one at a time to battle with Mario. C'mon, that's just cheap. At least allow two like Super Mario RPG did. Maybe even make it so the ones you use the most level up more as that game did. That and I hated the fact none of your partners could take any damage or they'd be out for a couple of turns. I know they fixed this in Thousand Year Door, but that still to this day really bugs me. Why have partners if they can't even take a little damage here and there?

Last, but not least, the fact Paper Mario didn't include the ability to use the star powerup to run through enemies and gain free experience. Seriously, that was a major disappointment. THAT was by far one of the best things about Super Mario RPG. Plus, they didn't go crazy with it either. They gave you just a few here and there to make you look for them every stage and want to use them every chance you got.

All and all, the battle system, while better and more polished in some instances, still is not as enjoyable as Super Mario RPG's.

Heck, even the item system is kinda lacking too. I mean, I don't have any real complaints about it, but honestly, there wasn't anything that great about it either. Only thing I can say I really liked about the item system was you could combine two in a recipe to save space in your inventory. That was cool. Ok, I also liked the fact if you have a life shroom on hand and Mario dies, it immediately revives him with it. Now THAT is something I can praise Paper Mario over Super Mario RPG.

Anyhow, I know it sounds like I'm nitpicking this game while praising Super Mario RPG too much, so I'll try not to talk about that one for the time being. ^^;

So let's talk about the other stuff I really did like about Paper Mario like its new concepts introduced. How about the fact for the first time ever, Mario got to interact with friendly versions of Bowser's minions like Goombas, Koopa Troopas, Bobombs and even Lakitus who even helped him fight against Bowser and his minions? Honestly, that to me was something I wish had been explored earlier. I mean, it makes sense when you think about it. Why wouldn't there be good people of these races that just happen to be a big majority of Bowser's army?

I even liked the little Peach segments where you get to control her and do little side missions, even send items down to Mario to help out? Now that's what I call making her useful! Ok, I hated the whole baking a cake thing since it's such a pain in the butt to redo if you get it wrong, but other than that, I love the idea of Peach being involved in the game, even if it's just helping behind the scenes. I get so tired of seeing that gal just there screaming helplessly, "Mario, save me!" -.-

ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THAT! Let's make Princess Peach actually competent for a change. It's very refreshing to say the least, especially in games like this one. Heck, I might even go so far as to say she helped more here than she even did in Super Mario RPG. Yea, she was one of your allies and very beneficial to your party, but here? She's literally making the wish to upgrade your Star Beam to one where you can finally attack Bowser and kick his butt to the curb. Now that's what I call helping Mario save the day.

And again, last, but definitely not least, the story. And yea, I'm going to say it. It's one of the best Mario plots to date. While I still find Super Mario RPG's the most original and creative of the series, this one is by far the most dramatic and epic. I mean, where do I begin? First we have Bowser showing up to ruin Peach's party with Mario and then get this: He actually kicks Mario's ass for once when they square off. True, he cheated to do so, but that's beside the point. Paper Mario literally did something that hadn't been done before and for that, I give Intelligent Systems credit. They literally got my attention when they happened, wanting to see what would happen next.

Thus, began a long and perilous journey for our beloved Italian plumber to get back on his feet, rescue the Star Spirits and fly back to Bowser's Castle for another showdown, this one on a floating platform in the sky no less that's shooting lightning bolts around and Bowser's been powered up by Kammy to be twice as big and strong, setting the stage for the final battle to commence. And if that's not dramatic enough, Bowser appears to have the upper hand for the time being, where Peach and Twink have their own little battle with Kammy.

Yea, the Kammy battle sucks I guess since you can't lose at it, but that wasn't the point of it. It was there to show how much Twink had grown during your adventure and was now the X factor to turning the tables on Bowser and have Mario now be able to kick his overgrown shell to the curb.

Seriously,I can't praise that final battle enough. It was to me the ultimate mano a mano fight between Mario and Bowser. Sure, he didn't beat Bowser alone, but you knew the fight deep down was between them. The rest were just there to lend their support.

That's why I give this game a 8 out of 10. It may have not quite captured the magic of Super Mario RPG, but it nevertheless like I mentioned in the title is a worthy successor to that game. To me, it's even better than Thousand Year Door.

I know alot of people will say Thousand Year Door is better, but... I just can't like it as much as this one. This one, for all its flaws and such still is the better one of those two. Sure, not by much, but I stand by my words. The first Paper Mario is just a true classic, a game that desperately needs a remastered edition, one with all the Thousand Year Door polish added to it because then I might even go so far as to give a 8.5 or dare I say a 9 like Super Mario RPG

But yea, what are the odds of that happening with the current Paper Mario games now not even being worthy of holding a candle to this and Thousand Year Door? Shame really...

I might give a Thousand Year Door review sometime. We'll see.