Arcade racing perfection: Outrun 2 is a must for every fans of the classic

User Rating: 8.5 | OutRun2 XBOX
I recall i jumped of joy when i first heard that Sega was making a console version of Outrun. I recall i wasted alot of coins on the arcade machine when that was hot in the mid eighties and could not wait until i could get a hold of one i could play as much as i want without inserting thoose coins. In the game you will find 3 major modes: 1) Arcade mode: Get behind the steering wheel of your favourite Ferrari as you race from Palm Beach to 1 or up to 5 different destination. To sums this up very very shortly, this is how it was in the classic arcades with one major difference, you dont havta waste coins to play it and the graphics have improved alot. 2) Mission mode: 101 mission where you aim is to open up the more powerfull Ferraries and also unlock the tracks so that you can play the time attack and post your score on Xbox live. 3) Xbox Live: Race up to 8 players from around the world and also download ghost of the best time in the world to challenge them on your own. I feel that this game have came in the shadow of Burnout 3 but if you are a arcade racing fan be sure to check this one out-