A meteor is on a collision course with Earth. You and group of colonists are about to set off in search of a new planet.

User Rating: 5 | Outpost (1994) PC
The game starts off with Earth about to be destroyed by a meteor impact. You and a group of colonists are in a space mining station near Jupitor. You are then able choice different galaxies to search for possible life. You receive feedback and then choose one. You only have enough fuel for one jump so you better make your choice a good one.
Assuming you find another galaxy with life, you must then pick a planet that can sustain life. I have never found a planet that has the same environment as Earth, but that could just be me.
The concept of the game and the idea is neat. The searching through the stars for another planet is great. The interactive A.I. voice (which can be male or female - if female she SO tries to seduce you: "Greetings Commander, HOW may I HELP you?") Anyway, the game play is a bad attempt at Sim City. You can advance through turns by your own choice. Do not enter too large a number or the game will slow down/you lose the game or it will just crash(so do not try to advance 500 years per turn - doesn't work too well. For some reason you fail to pack enough life support for that amount of time).
Outpost is a amazingly fun concept, but a poorly executed game. The first 10 minutes of game play is fun, the rest not so much. I wouldn't recommend this game, but feel free to check it out for yourself.