Browser based FPS that has a lot to offer.

User Rating: 8.5 | Operation7 PC
I was always a big fan of Battlefield 2. The only problem was that my computer ran the demo just fine but could not handle the graphics of the full game. I played anyway but could never really make the game work for me. Even America's Army had strange lag points that made the game difficult to get into.

After some time away from the FPS market comes the discovery of Operation 7. It is another browser based production but interestingly not the usual offering of Korean cloned style game. This one has promise.

You start by creating an Avatar, which is unusual for an FPS. Even more strange is the key to the entire game. You custom build the guns you want to take into battle. There are two methods of paying for your weapons - gold, which you earn through taking part in battles and nCash which I believe is what you use real money for through their online service.

Starting up at first level, you have a choice between an SMG, sniper or Assault rifle. After you buy the base model, you can then customize each part of the weapon, from the stock, grip, barrel and scope and more. This is the key as I said before, to succeeding in the game and it is important that you make good use of the testing feature of your weapon before committing to buy. Each decision you make on a particular feature changes the accuracy, range, control, mobility etc of the weapon, which determines how it will handle in battle.

Also available is further customization of the avatars clothing. You can buy individual styles of tops, pants, hair, face coverings, backpacks and uniforms. Each giving your character a unique look in the world. Once you are ready to go, you choose a server and hit the ready button to whisk into the game play.

There are several game types available and maps to go with them, ranging from abandoned fields, a wrecked subway and locked down city. Each have been specifically designed intelligently, knowing where conflict will most likely take place and providing ample cover to hide behind when the heat gets turned up. Game types range from the traditional team death match to survival and headhunter mode. At the end of each round the players are awarded experience points and gold. The higher level you achieve, the more weapons become available to you. You are able to keep 5 weapon slots open and can interchange them between rounds if a map comes up that requires a different strategy.

One thing that can be said about the graphics is that although they are not blisteringly amazing, they are going to be able to run on a multitude of computers. Things like tall grass, where in games like battlefield will render away - leaving you prone and without cover to hide in, stay here in Operation 7 making open maps all the more exciting because the grass actually works as a hiding place.

The sound is designed specifically to work as the players ears. You are supposed to be able to take the audible cues as accurate ways of locating enemy players and working out where the action is taking place.

My only complaint so far is that there are no capture style maps like what I am used to from playing games like Battlefield etc. But Operation 7 works perfectly fine without them. Action is fast paced and exciting. Things like mouse sensitivity can be changed on the fly, in game and it really is a fun game to play.