Well worth playing; ARMA fanboys please remember to disagree with my review

User Rating: 9 | Operation Flashpoint: Red River PC
-Decent campaign length (took me a little over 10 hours on Experienced setting)
-Responsive allied AI
-Acceptable graphics and sounds
-Health system
-Customisable load-outs

Not so good:
-No lean command
-Cut scenes and travel sections
-Internet connection

This is way better than OF Dragon Rising, much more immersive and I now 'care' if I die or not. It could be argued that the check point save system is frustrating as you have to repeat a lot of work if you die just before the next one but on the other hand that adds to the tension and it forces you to take care.
The campaign took me twice as long as today's COD/MOH outings although the long cut scenes and travel sections are a sneaky way of making the game feel longer but of course you are not actually doing anything - apart from listening to all the swearing. This is the big negative though as I have learnt from the forum it is realistic and typical of authentic USMC banter. Surely embarrassing though for the kids at home on the front room PC/console.
Compared to COD/MOH, I stopped playing these after the first (and best) COD as the 'hide behind cover until you feel better' is a ridiculous health system. I loved playing the original COD on Veteran i.e. no health packs but they are now pointless. In OFRR you have to patch yourself up or call for a medic (corpsman); okay the mechanics are not the most realistic either but it is much better when you have to take time out from the firefight and deal with injuries. Hint: By the way you can also call for a corpsman even when you think you have had it, rather than bleeding out or reloading - often you can be saved in time if one of your team is close enough to help. Similarly you heal your team members or command one of the others to do it. They even do it of their own initiative too - not bad for AI!
This involves using the radial command menu, for some reason I found the one in DR much easier even though they are probably very similar. In any case apart from the healing all I ever use is Follow Me or Hold (i.e. defend). They way they do it in GRAW is better and much easier to use for controlling each team member separately.
Talking of GRAW, OFRR is basically very similar though not as good. GRAW 1 & 2 were the best tactical shooters I have played and this is the same set up (two riflemen, one sniper and one machine-gunner default team make up). GRAW is less forgiving though, you really need to use cover there plus you have the lean command and it is a much more intense game. It is also more satisfying with the tactical map too and after a while you have the confidence to use 2 x 2 man teams at different parts of the map and you can follow the AI action on their helmet cams. Wait a minute, this is turning into a GRAW review - sorry; it's just my favourite game ever...
The RPG-light aspect of leveling points and upgrades is a nice touch and after OFDR the longed for interface for changing equipment is here although it is not very clear and very limited. It seems I have some way to go via another playthrough or the fireteam missions to get the points to max out on everything.
So SP was great and regarding MP, I hate PvP games but the Co-op is okay although I find it difficult to hook up with games that set up quickly and run smoothly with sound. I am in the UK and once played with players from Russia, France and Australia in the same game. Am I the only one in the UK playing? I don't get that; maybe I need to do something with the settings.
Of course you are online for this but one thing I hate is the need to be online even for the SP game (to save it at least). You are locked into a Windows Live account, which also makes re-sale difficult but anyway, I got this for £14 and am happy to keep it at the moment so never mind.
Regarding the ultimate comparison with ARMA, this always makes me laugh. I haven't got the patience for those games; I save touch-typing for working not playing and I resent paying for a game then being told I am expected to use the editor to write my own missions. They are also incredibly buggy and have all come and gone on my PC after various tantrums (by the way, thanks OFRR AI for getting in the vehicle immediately every time I asked you!). The fanboys love criticising this game even before it came out or they played it; then they moan about the bad graphics or lack of realism. Oh yes I remember the original OF with the paper thin buildings and foliage. That has come on and the original was a ground-breaking game but as for the realism bit, how realistic is it for an infantryman to run around the battlefield then drive a tank or pilot a chopper? That's Battlefield isn't it? I think the realism argument falls to the ground there. Incidentally, in OFRR all you ever use is a Humvee, it's an infantry game - seems about right to me.
In summary, this is a competent squad based shooter with plenty of lifespan to it. No editor for the modders but hopefully things will be added via the downloadable content (the upside of being dependent on the internet connection I suppose).
If you like ARMA, that is fine with me but this game is good too for different reasons and all the blinkered ARMA purists can mark my review as unhelpful as I couldn't care less. (It's not worth a 9 by the way - maybe an 8 but I have done that to balance their prejudice a bit).