Great game apart from some bugs and a sometimes stupid AI.

User Rating: 8.5 | Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising PS3
Dragon Rising is ambitious. A shooter game that should give you complete freedom and control over a squad, with the enemy AI reacting well. It succeeds in the vast majority of its objectives.

Graphics: Ground and grass may not exactly look like the best of this generation, but the characters and pretty much everything else make up for that.

Gameplay: Aiming is nice and easy, so is running and other such things. The radial menu, compass and map are easy to use.

AI: Separate due to the fact that is such a big part of OFP. Your squad is very capable of listening to all orders, apart from move there orders (and even this on works the moment you enter a vehicle. The enemy isn't just a bunch of targets, but it doesn't perforate you from 500 metres with one bullet either.

Multiplayer: The servers are still a bit buggy, and hard to get into, but that doesn't make the mp any less fun and addictive. Which it is (as proven to myself with an incapability to just log off and make myself some noodles).

All in all: A great game. That people complain about for no reason, if you can't play tactical shooters, don't.