Not like the previous operation flashpoints but still good.

User Rating: 7 | Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising X360
If you've ever played the older OFP's (cold war crisis,elite, etc.) This game is pretty much like those it still has the "OFP" feel to it but there are somethings that differ this from the previous ones.

Gameplay: Operation flashpoint has always been really good with the story. Instead of just sending you through the war from the eyes of one soldier, they send to you from the eyes of everyone. Infantrymen/officer,Armor,Air,Spec ops. They show you the war from all angles which makes it great. While Dragon rising kind of revolves smaller conflict then the previous titles it does offer it from two different angles. Marine Fireteam leader, and spec ops team leader. The missions you do with one usually will be shown in the other etc. Was kind of disappointed that you weren't able to play as an attack helicopter pilot or a tank crewman especially since both air and armor will play big roles in the majority of the missions. While nothing is stopping you from running off and getting in a tank or helicopter it would just be nice to have some missions where you are actually required to use them.

OFP:DR is similar to its predecessors in that it allows for very open gameplay. You're given your objective and the game lets you complete the objective whatever way you want to, as long as it gets done. If you need some guiding it will set waypoints that you can follow but sometimes these set a good route to take and other times it just makes it a hell of a lot harder. Plus very little is scripted into the missions themselves, it's gurantee'd that no mission will play out the exact same way twice.

There are some minor flaws when it does come to gameplay for instance the amount of bullets your enemies can take are around 3-5 (not including the head which is just 1) while you may be down in 1 or 2. You will always be in charge of a 4 man fireteam which sometimes can act stupid but other times act smart, I personally haven't used 75% of the commands that you can use because it's kind of useless and I like them to always be under control so they don't mess up and I'm left by myself for the remainder of the mission (or the next checkpoint if you play on normal difficulty)

Graphics: The graphics in this game or amazing, there are no backgrounds. If you see something in the distance then it is actually there and you can go over to it, everything is modelled great some animations (specially the medic animations) are a bit off but usually they are very well detailed. Bullets are even modelled which makes their trajectories and range that much more realistic. The game does have a bit of gore to, while it is said that disembarment and such can happen I've only seen it once and that was when I took a direct hit from an artillery round (yes artillery is not scripted to miss you like in CoD, it will hit you if you stay still too long) but mainly you'll just see some blood and wounds on enemies/friendlies that have taken hits or have died (there is a nice; but tad bit over done spray of blood when you hit someone to)

The one graphical flaw that I have seen is with the Thermal sights. Everything has a heat value but that's the problem....everything has a heat value. So it's a little weird when you see a static MG that hasn't been fired white hot on your themal sights, or somehow you themal sight can't see through smoke or dead enemies "thermal glow" doesn't gradually go down as they lose body heat. I'm not saying that the themal glow should disappear completly when they die (like in MW2) but it should at least gradually dim down. Night time is also still pretty bright out even without a moon you'll find that you won't need to use your Night vision goggles often.

Audio: Music is only played in the lobby (which is a good thing since you need to hear everything that is going on in the battlefield) and the music does kind of set the tone of the game (even though it's only one song). Battlefield sounds are great, you hear a satisfying "thud" or "boom" depending on your distance from the sound it may also be louder,quieter or you may not be able to hear it at all. Most of the guns sound pretty solid but I think the M16 and M4 sound more like a BB gun then an assault rifle.

Muliplayer: Online supports both Co-op and standard TDM. I can't speak for the PC online but if the OFP community is anything like it was before then it will be very active and have lots of different mods. XBL on the other hand is almost non-existent. You may find 2-3 Co-op servers but a lot of times you won't even be able to join them and it's really nothing special about the Co-op your just playing the same missions as the same squad except you got actually players as your squad mates.

Conclusion: Rent the game first unless your an OFP (or ARMA) fan like me but even then get it on your PC so you can enjoy the stuff the excellant community can offer. Or if your content with the story/gameplay of the game then you will still find it enjoyable and highly replayable but everyone will have their own opinions on this game so it's better to try it out before buying it but I do believe it is at least worth a shot and go through the story mode which is still told pretty well.