Excellent and realistic modern battle simulation....get it now!

User Rating: 9.5 | Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising PC
Having played the three previous excellent Flashpoint games I wasn't sure what to expect with "Flashpoint - Dragon Rising" (FDR). If you like to be imortal or instantly self-healing in gameland you won't be in this one so get tactical and take care as the baddies are not stupid in this rather excellent war simulation. The game needs a bit of learning as there are lots of commands so be prepared to put some time in. By doing that your reward is one of the best modern warfare games around.

Once I got the hang of it I just couldn't drag myself away from the PC. I have also played ARMA 2 but didn't find it anything like as good. Yes ARMA 2 has lots of space but tends to be a bit annoying and unrealistic (even stupid)at times compared with FDR. My only critiscim is that in Flashpoint DR enemy (& friendly) casualties "fade away" rather quickly so gathering ammo and weapons from them has to be done within a minute or so!

The graphics are cinematic in quality and highly realistic. The sound on a suround sound system can be spectacular! I really hope Codemasters feel it's worth extending this game with further add-ons or releases!