Kids play CoD, HALO and Gears Of War, Men play ArmA and Operation Flashpoint...

User Rating: 9 | Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising PC
First of all, THIS IS NOT YOUR AVERAGE ARCADE SHOOTER, if you are looking for that then go look elsewhere, if you are willing to play a game with true challenge and pick this one.

This is the offical sequel to Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis, a 2001 military sim, this sequel wasn't made by the original team, but it keeps many of the elements taht made it a very interesting and deep game, however some little details like explosive fuel barrels make it less real and more arcade than ArmA or ArmA II, the true spiritual sequel of the original Operation Flashpoint.

However Dragon Risng still a very impressive game, very deep, you can enjoy it more than ArmA because of its more intuitive controls and interface, wich make it less complicated and more enjoyable, in terms of controls and interface this game is just as realistic as ArmA but easier to understand.

I'm not saying that ArmA is bad it is even better than Dragon Rising, but ArmA is more complex taht it needs to be, and Dragon Risng has found tha t balance between the complex and the enjoyable, that's all.

Gameplay is easy to understand, move from waypoint to waypoint and complete your objectives, it has some sandbox elements that make it more interesting, in some missions you can call for airstrikes, and support, you can drive vehicles, pilot helicopters, etc. Bullets behave very reallistic, you must learn how to use your sights in order to hit an enemy that is far from you.

AI is the main problem it is a contrast in this game, enemies are smart, but allies are very stupid, they get in your way while shooting, they run away from you if try to heal them, etc.

Graphics are great they run smooth and very detailed, the only problem about visuals is that shaders make it look monotonous and monochromatic, specially if missions are set in dusk, dawn and night.

Finally music is excellent, at the main menu you'll hear that Codemasters selected a great musci composer fot this game, also weapons look and sound very real.

Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising is an excellent option form those looking for a reallistic shooter, but if you are looking for a bigger challenge get ArmA and ArmA II