One of the best games anyone could have.

User Rating: 9.2 | Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis PC
Operation Flashpoint takes place on some fictional islands called Malden, Everon and Kolugjev. Operation Flashpoint is about when some unknown force invades Everon soon you find out that they are soviets from Russia. You fight as a private soldier, a tank commander, a pilot or a spec ops. The game play is highly realistic and you can get killed in one shot. There are loads of vehicles to drive like the jeep, UAZ , BMP-1 and way more. The battle field seems like it is a real Island, there is a great campaign consisting of 40 missions. The graphics though could do with some work but the visuals are still great and have many small details that make it look good such as head lights, smoke, moving clouds and more. There is always more than one solution to missions and the way you choose leads to sometimes different missions. The value of the game is great and worth it. There are air units you can also fly like the AH-1 Cobra, UH-60 Blackhawk, MI-24 Hind, SU-25 and more. There is a large range of units you can be and many extras.