Boring as Hell, but with an odd charm.

User Rating: 5 | Operation Body Count PC
Capstone software I say is quite well known for their budget games like Corridor 7 and Blake Stone. However, Body Count, using a modified WOlf3D engine like C7, seems to be a flat out poor job, well, almost.

Firstly, the story: Despite the Space or Doom like cover art for the game, with Marines shooting out into nowhere with a huge tank behind them, while Jupiter rests in the backdrop, the game actually takes place in a United Nations building in New York. Apparently, Terrorists have attacked and have taken the personnal hostage. Your job is to go about and kill as many enemies as you can on the level, and then return to the start, I think. You start playing in the sewers, where you must simiply find the exit as in Doom, or better yet, Wolf3D, while fighting Slime Creatures and giant rats (wtf?). On the final level, a dirty looking guy with an Uzi drops from the cieling, and after two shots from whatever weapon you are holding, is dead. Was that... a boss? I'll get to that later though. Anyways, in the next level set, your inside the building, fighting conventional terrorists (ALLAH!!), and, robots. Yes robots, that is right. Thankfully they don't last long, and thats the end of these out of place looking enemies. The terrorists are armed with a series of weapons (Primaryily Uzi's and Galil's), and they move fast... Okay fine, now to the AI portion of this review.

AI is quite poor, and wierd, and weak. Many of the enemies I noticed seem to move extremely fast, almost like some wierd sprinting. Their reaction to being shot is quite poor, and they can't die if you shoot through a door at them (OF course though, they can't shoot you either). Also, enemies are weak, usually. Many enemies die within two or more shots from nearly any weapon, including the enemies I refer to as "Bosses", only because they have front facing frames only, much like the Wolf3D bosses. Yet, amazingly, they die within seconds. I popped this dual Uzi guy with the Galil in three rounds. Three fragging rounds! And they killed everyone else in the room too! Are the enemies too weak? Or is it that the weapons are grossly overpowered? You be the judge.

Onto graphics, they well... Suck. No way are they any good compared to other games of the time, including other Capstone games like C7. In fact, the common terrorists are very similar to the zombiemen from Doom, or at least their death frames, which are also very choppy. Its not the games framerate, its the fact that the frames move slow or too fast, and that there are too little of them.

Redeeming qualities? A few actually. The game has a few features which are pretty cool, and useful. FIrstly, an Automap which appears onscreen, and that does not hinder gameplay at all! Very useful for those really confusing maze levels, which is pretty much all of them. Also, allies! Once you hit the office levels, you start the game with three fellow troopers. While they arn't very smart or well powered, they do help take care of certain foes. Also, don't neglect the use of landmines, which make very good traps. SOme levels are well ridled with them. Additionally, OBC contains a Modem or IPX multiplayer mode, which supported normal deathmatch, and Team Deathmatch.

Overall though, this is quite a weak attempt at a game. Still, try it if you can, but I wouldn't ever pay more than 4 bucks for this.