Blade Warriors is a short 2D fighter that lacks the flare of Onimusha, but is worth renting.

User Rating: 5.7 | Onimusha Blade Warriors PS2
Blade Warriors is a good 2D fighter that is easy to get into and play. Anyone who plays it for the first time will acknowledge its good graphics and its nostalgia for Onimusha but it lacks any new aspects and is like most generic 2D fighters. The other Onimusha games have excellent stories and fast paced action that keeps you on your heels at all times while Blade Warriors is to slow paced to really surprise you at all. The story of Blade Warriors is taken from the other games and made into a side story that is bland and mediocre at best,and will have you saying that there isn't even really any story at all. Multiplayer allows you to play as your favorite characters from the games but still has you thinking that there is something missing. Despite this the core 2D fighter aspects of it deem it worthy for a rent but not a buy.