A very fun mix of samurai hack-n-slash and puzzles make this game a solid play. A lot of fun.

User Rating: 8.7 | Onimusha 3 PS2
I've heard this game described as being "devil may cry without the jump button", but there is more to this game than that. While it certainly shares some similarities to DMC, Onimusha has its own sense of style and gameplay. The combat in Onimusha is much more about patience and timing, as huge damage bonuses are rewarded for delivering critical hits right before an enemy strikes you. The action is often a little slower than DMC, and the enemies are generally less aggressive and incredibly hard as in DMC.

In Onimusha 3, the story takes place in two time periods (2004 and about 500 years ago) and two countries (Japan and France.) The addition of time travel and the exchange of items between the two main characters allows for some interesting puzzles. One character may have to find an item, flip a switch, or open a door in one time period in order to allow the other character to progress in their time period. The puzzles can be confusing at times, but they are mostly solvable and rarely cheap.

The graphics are amazing, especially since this a two year old game. The environments and characters look fantastic. The sound is also impressive, especially Jean Reno's French voice acting. Unfortunately, there is no option to hear the original Japanese dialogue and Reno has a relatively small portion of voice acting before being replaced by an English voice actor for most of the game. The presentation is excellent, overall.

The game is a solid 15 hours, but it can be beaten in much less if you know how to solve the puzzles. This lowers the replay value a bit, but there are several unlockables that can be played after beating the game.

Overall, this is a really fun game. It isn't anything revolutionary, but it makes for a very slick, polished, and enjoyable game of samurai hack-n-slash. There is a fair amount of depth to it, and I recommend it to fans of action games.