Onimusha just keeps getting better!

User Rating: 9.2 | Onimusha 3 PS2
I was really looking forward to playing this game after completing the first two Onimushas. Not only did I find this game enjoyable, it surpasses the first two!
GAMEPLAY - The major negative against this series is now gone. After dealing with digital control for the first two games we finally have analog, and the combat is so much more fluid than before. Not quite the feel of G.O.W., but very responsive. There are three different characters used in this game and each has their own unique set of weapons to give diversity in the combat. Fortunately the puzzles are mostly sliders that do not cause much frustration.
GRAPHICS - This series has always been on top as far as graphic quality, and Onimusha 3 continues this great tradition. The move to 3D graphics works very well, and the opening movie is fantastic. I would love to see that movie made into a full length feature. I only wish that there had been more of those movie scenes. Beautiful changes of scenery going between ancient Japan and France.
SOUND - Sound effects and background music were done well. My complaint is that once again we do not have the option to hear the original Japanese voices. Voice overs were competent. I heard that Jean Reno was unavailable for recording the english version of his voice, which was a shame since he has a very distinctive voice.
VALUE - As is typical for this genre, it is not going to take an enormous amount of hours to complete this game. My first play through took approximately 14 hours, which was actually more than the first two combined! After completion that are bonus mini-games, costumes, levels of difficulties etc. to give extended value. This is available used for $13 at Gamestop/EB so I consider it to be a great value.
SUMMARY - In conclusion, I just can't get over what a great job Capcom has done with this series. It has even raised my interest in the history of the Samurai. I would recommend this game to anyone who has even a remote interest in this genre.