Onechanbara is an interesting mix of ultra violence and complex controls that works well for some and angers the rest.

User Rating: 7.5 | Oneechanbara Revolution WII
First off you are going to see seriously mixed reviews on this title everywhere you look and honestly the most accurate I've been able to find, that fit my opinions most mind you, was from "Play" magazine and can be viewed on thier site currently. This game is truly a fun game to play and requires less hardcore swinging of your Wii-mote than expected from a hack and slash title but the fact that pulling off some of the insanely elaborate combo moves takes above the norm skills is going to frustrate alot of players. The story can be more passe' than you may want from the hack and slash survival horror genre but that comes primarilly because it is a direct sequel to the Xbox "Onechanbara: Samurai Squad" game that holds the original chapter to these characters stories and introductions. Basically you WILL feel lost when the main character starts talking about her past and events may even seem out of place but that is seriously the main flaw in this games story telling and otherwise it's a basicly rudementary, straight forward story of characters who gain powers and use those powers to slay the undead while searching for answers to the unravelling events. I honestly do agree that the game is shorter than I would have preferred but at the same time my choice to agree is because I would have enjoyed continuing my zombie slashing. The thing is though that you also do get to restart and go through again w/ newly strengthened abilities or you choose another character and learn thier story arc and not spend immense ammounts of time going over and over through the game. It's relatively easy to level a characterm easy to distribute skill points, and once you start getting into it the controls will grow on you and by the end of your first run through you will be able to pull off some pretty sweet moves and decimate entire hordes of the undead. So in my honest opinion I do recommend this game to someone looking for a very cool, indepth zombie slasher w/ a high ammount of replay and reward value....oh and on the Wii the ability to co-op play is such a sweet feature because you and your zombie killer partner will be an unstoppable duo and it will definitely push the game value way up. Have fun, play like a true samurai, and always, always aim for the head people!!