Fun, but overly simple.

User Rating: 7.5 | Oil Rush PC
Oilrush rts game. Obviously. But the problem lies in the fact that it isnt just a simple rts, its more tower defense more than anything. Theres virtually no base building other than defenses for your oil rigs. You can't even choose what units to make, specific rigs make specific units. They are auto-created, and the speed of which depends on whether you use your ability to speed it up, or you're being sabotaged, thus making it go slower. The abilities you choose are in 3 different tech trees. The cost to retrieve them are in points, which are awarded by capturing oil rigs. Then, to use these abilies, you must use your oil which is also retrieved from oil rigs.
Sadly though, the gameplay is overly simple. You send your units to other oil rigs, and fight enemies to capture them. The game (skirmish or multiplayer) ends after they lose all their oil rigs, or vice versa. As i said, the game is simple. Honestly, the game is totally based on numbers alone at times.
The singleplayer is fun, but some moments are just...boring.
The graphics, unlike the rest of the game, however, are absolutely stunning for an rts. The best parts come from huge firefights between you and an enemies forces, seeing all the impending explosions just go around like crazy.
For the $20 price tag, this game simply isnt worth it. The game has no depth what-so-ever, and in reality is just a cheap mini-game at best. The graphics are great, but thats the only thing great about this game.
Gameplay: 7/10
Graphics: 9/10
Presentation: 8/10
Story: 5/10
Difficulty: 8.5/10