It looks amazing, but that's about it.

User Rating: 5.5 | Odin Sphere PS2
I picked up this game with high hopes and a positive attitude. At first, I was mesmerized by the graphics and excited for what Odin Sphere had to offer. I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful hand-drawn sprites and backgrounds, and the towering bosses.
However, after I had finished admiring the graphics, the game became a downward spiral of disappointment for me. The battles are boring and difficult on the normal setting, leading to a lot of trial and error on each separate battlefield - trying to find a way to hit-and-run the enemies without getting slaughtered.
The load times are mind-numbing, especially when you go to Pooka Village to eat food (the game's only method of leveling up).
The alchemy system is repetitive and stressful, but very necessary to endure for the game's progress. You often run out of bag space or are forced to use an item that you were saving for later plans.
The controls seem unresponsive, often at the most crucial junctures.
And finally, once a certain number of sprites is reached, the game hits a wicked slow-down.
In my opinion, the dazzling graphics do not make up for the tragic game play.